Mar 28, 20233 min

Social Media Graphics Guide | Sizes + Specs

Updated: May 21

Create the perfect profile pic, banner, thumbnail, and more for YouTube, Twitter, Twitch, Discord, Instagram, Facebook, Ko-fi, TikTok and more. Level-up your brand presence with a professional channel, content, and profile - a must-have for streamers and content creators.

Social Media Size Guides

  • YouTube

  • Twitter

  • Twitch

  • Instagram

  • Facebook

  • Ko-fi

  • TikTok

  • Discord

YouTube Specs & Sizes

  • YouTube Thumbnail 1,280 × 720 px

  • YouTube Banner 2,560 × 1,440 px

  • YouTube Video (4K) 3,840 × 2,160 px

  • YouTube Short Ratio: 9:16 | 720×1280 - 2160×3840px

  • YouTube Profile Picture 800 × 800 px

  • Banner in Desktop Display 2,560 × 423 px

  • Banner in Tablet Display 1,855 × 423 px

  • Banner in Mobile Display 1,546 × 423 px

  • Banner in TV Display 2,560 × 1,440 px

Facebook Specs & Sizes

  • Profile Picture 400 × 400 px

  • Cover Photo 1,125 × 633 px

  • Image Post 1,200 × 630 px

  • Shared Link Images 1,200 × 630 px

  • Tab Images 113 × 74 px

  • Event Image 1,920 × 1,005 px

  • Facebook Ad (Carousel) 1,080 × 1,080 px

  • Facebook Ad (Single Image) 1,200 × 628 px

Instagram Specs & Sizes

  • Profile Photo 110 × 110 px

  • Square Images 1,080 × 1,080 px

  • Images 1,080 × 1,350 px

  • Stories 1,080 × 1,920 px

Twitter Image Sizes

  • Header Photo 1,500 × 500 px

  • Profile Photo 400 × 400 px

  • Twitter Post 1,024 × 512 px

  • Cards Image 800 × 320 px

  • Summary Card Image 280 × 150 px

Twitch Image Sizes

  • Profile Photo 800 × 800 px

  • Profile Banner 1,920 × 480 px

  • Video Player Banner 1,920 × 1,080 px

  • Video Thumbnail 1,280 × 720 px

  • Cover Image 380 × 1,200 px

  • Info Panels 320 × 200 px

Etsy Image Sizes

  • Cover 3,360 × 840 px

  • Profile Photo 400 × 400 px

  • Shop Icon 500 × 500 px

  • Shop Banner 760 × 100 px

  • Thumbnail 570 × 456 px

  • Team Logo 170 × 100 px

  • Item Listing 800 × 1,000 px

TikTok Image Sizes

  • TikTok Video Ratio: 9:16 | 1080 x 1920px

  • TikTok Profile Photo 200 x 200px

  • TikTok In-Feed Ad 9:16, 1:1, or 16:9

Discord Image Sizes

  • Discord Profile Photo 128 x 128 px

  • Discord Server Logo 512 x 512 px

  • Discord Server Banner Background 960 x 540 px

  • Discord Server Invite Splash Image 1920 x 1080 px

  • Discord Emoji 128 × 128 px

Ko-fi Image Specs

  • Ko-fi Profile Pic Ratio: 1:1

  • Ko-fi Shop Product Image 1200x600 (512x400 px visible on shop page)

  • Ko-fi Cover Image Ratio: 3:1 | 1200x400

  • Ko-fi Membership Tier Image Ratio: 2:1

  • Ko-fi Social Preview Image Ratio: 2:1

  • Post Featured Image Ratio 2:1 | 1000px+

Make it Animated: Ko-fi allows creators to upload GIF sizes up to 8mb for free accounts and 20mb (for gold subscribers) for posts, gallery, commissions, shop, and memberships. GIFs under 4mb & under will animate when clicked. TIP: Upload a GIF under 250kb and it will animated automatically.

Level-Up Your Image

With these optimal sizes and specs you will no longer have a blurry post or cut-off profile pic. Have suggestions for additional graphics or helpful information you'd like to see? Let me know! Send me a message via or the MELO SPACE Discord. Image & Video Specs as of 3/28/23. Bookmark this post to refer to it later when making updates to your profile, channel, or server.

Artist Attribution | FREE TWITCH PANEL - #MadeByMELO